Centro di orientamento accreditato Università Degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi

Master Universitari Secondo Livello in Interior Design

Studia quando vuoi, dove vuoi e da qualsiasi dispositivo. Master Riconosciuto dal MIUR.

Obiettivi del Master Universitario di II Livello in Interior Design (English Lan.)

The Master in Interior Design in meant for individuals interested in understanding contemporary interior design, taking into account several subjects like art, history of design, colorimetry, materials management, financial planning and smart strategies in a multidisciplinary perspective.
In particular, the Master program provides professionals with the competence, responsability, sensitivity to changeable modern needs and capability to control the entire planning process.
Strategic planning and management skills together with the experimentation of creative and unconventional forms and solutions give the students the right instruments to balance the interplay betwwen desire, images and essential pratical needs.
The Master in Interior Design responds to the modern necessary of experiencing and living aesthetically pleasing and significant objects and places, capable of transmitting emotion and increasing the well-being of living spaces.
In particular, the Masters aims at training professionals capable of inserting themselves with competence and responsability in the job market, sensitive to changing modern demands and able to control the entire design process.
The Master’s examines all mail aspects of design, both theoretical and aboce all applicative: all elements of design and creation will be discussed in depth.

Conseguimento del titolo

Al termine del corso, a quanti abbiano osservato tutte le condizioni richieste e superato con esito positivo le prove di valutazione previste, e maturato i 60 crediti riconosciuti, sarà rilasciato il Diploma di Master Universitario ai sensi del DM 270/2004.


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